
Achhi Aadat (Good Habit) Campaign

March 2, 2023, 10:41 am

"Achhi Aadat (Good Habit)" Campaign


1. "Achhi Aadat (Good Habit)" Campaign

JICA India has launched a campaign, "Achhi Aadat (Good Habit)" to raise awareness among 10 crore people about the importance of hygiene practices for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, in collaboration with NGOs, government authorities and Japanese companies. The campaign's objective is to introduce a simple and practical approach to hygiene and sanitation related issues by promoting handwashing, nail cleaning and other hygiene practices such as wearing mask in a correct way. 

2. Activities

JICA India provides awareness programs at select project sites located in rural communities, schools and hospitals of India, using the Educational Materials. The campaign is to introduce an easy and practical approach to the hygiene and sanitation issues by promoting handwashing, nail hygiene and other hygiene practices such as wearing mask in a correct way.

Goods: Distribution of hygiene-related goods (soaps, masks etc.)
Program: NGO for public awareness program
Material: Goods PR. Contents distribution